ARTUS Finger Exoskeleton!

Exciting times ahead with the rapid development of finger exoskeletons with Wise Safety leading the way in the UK as we are currently the only providers!

It combines the results of finger-focused R&D: The DigiLock and DigiSkin technologies to protect the finger joints and enable haptic feedback, combined with Digity Size Wizard for instantly sizing your hands to get perfect fit

3 forms of ROI ( return on investment) :

  1. Prevention on accidents, approx. 25% of all non fatal workplace injuries are hand injuries , and 95% of these could be stopped by Exoskeletons ( cuts, bruises, crushes)
  2. Ergonomic – stops over extension of joints (Arthritis), and loss of long term sensitivity
  3. Increase in Productivity – no pain happier worker , speed of job , longer shifts per job

The ARTUS Finger Exoskeletons are all sized especially for you!

Want a personal demo to find out how the exoskeletons will work for you? Organise a teams mtg or a visit from a specialist with Wise today to find out more:

Download product brochure here: Artus Exoskeleton Brochure

0151 495 5640