Quat and biguanide free wet disinfectant wipe used by major food groups and retailers in the UK. Available in medium or heavy weight.
- Excellent efficacy and kill rate for both Gram Positive and Gram Negative organisms
- Class leading efficacy at lower temperatures – 5 – 10 degrees celsius – and under ‘dirty’ conditions
- Quat and PHMB free
- Registered under Annex 1 of the Biocides Products Regulations (98/8/EEC) under 3 Product Types: PT 2 Private and Public Healthcare environments, PT 3 Veterinary Hygiene and PT 4 Food and Feed area disinfectants
- Low corrosion on metal and steel surfaces due to low salt content
- Non oxidising – optimum continuous efficacy in food environments where organic matter is present on surfaces
- Highly effective broad spectrum efficacy proven by independent testing laboratory Campden and Chorleywood Food Research Association (CCFRA)